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Lubricant; Antifreeze; Blowing agent

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Ukrainian LLC JV YUKOIL - Company Introduce
We are LLC JV YUKOIL,an official distributor of German made Lubricants Wolver . Wolver is independent producer of lubes and grease . Till 2008 Wolver products was available only in EU zone . In 7 years Wolver become available in all continents . 
Yukoil industrial oil production plant was built in Zaporizhzhya with German partnership in the South-East of Ukraine in 2002.
Design of the plant takes into account strict environmental safety requirements for such facilities in the European unio. Currently it is one of the most modern production plants in the industry, located in Eastern Europe.
Production buildings of the plant, equipped with the modern equipment, occupiesmore than 10,000 sq.m.
Technological cycle of production is automated as much as possible, ensuring output of products of consistently high quality, compliant with European standards. 
The range of commercially available lubricants under YUKO trademark includes more than 200 types of oils, lubricants, cooling... [Details]
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